Dawn's eyes Abyworld.com - about Abyssinian cats around the world
Cat Details 
Qd.GC Sudaca Little Man
Sudaca Magic Mist   x  Sabine Fawn Fran 
Cat ID:  14705     Record Added by:  Janse, Greet     Last Changed:  20/02/2010 12:11:55     Record Version:  2 
Data Sources:  [U119],[U751],, 
Title / DM: Qd.GC 
Cattery Name: Sudaca 
Name: Little Man
Suffix: (none) 
Sex: Male
Breed: 23e (Fawn Abyssinian)
Date of Birth: 4-Sep-1999
Registration Body:
Registration No. (AUS) FQ 31Q00
Blood Group:
Carrying Status:
Country/Export History:
Breeder: Unknown
Owner: Unknown

Record History (where held)

User Action Detail Date/Time
Janse, GreetAdded Cat:14705 - Sudaca Little Man30-Sep-2005 16:12:02
Andrews, FredaEdited Cat:14705 - Sudaca Little Man20-Feb-2010 12:11:27
Andrews, FredaEdited Cat:14705 - Sudaca Little Man20-Feb-2010 12:11:55