Max and Melissa - about Abyssinian cats around the world

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Barbara Darby 07-Mar-2021 16:10:25
ACC Show 2021
Sadly this too has been cancelled due to the pandemic. GCCF has also cancelled all shows for the foreseeable future.
Barbara Darby 23-Mar-2020 10:13:02
ACC show 2020
Sadly this has been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. We hope to resume in 2021.
Barbara Darby 23-Mar-2020 10:12:07
Keep safe everyone and keep smiling.
Sally Plummer 13-Nov-2019 16:52:11
RIP Cheekie
Just seen your message about Cheekie. My favourite stud and father of my gorgeous Catmagic Abbazza. So glad he was long lived - Bazza is 16 and looks great. She has his feisty temperament!
Barbara Darby 14-Oct-2019 12:29:10
Pleural effusion, not infusion
I have heard of hermaphrodite cats but it is unusual, thanks for explaining mixed sex. Pleural effusion sometimes just happens, occasionally heart problems and sometimes FIP. It should have been possible to test for both following an autopsy. Did this happen?
Irene Andreeva 11-Oct-2019 12:38:35
Pleural infusion, hermaphroditism
Any possible reasons for that? Cancer? Mixed sex, I meant it was hermaphrodite. Doctors see male and female sex in it. Testes and uterus are both.
Barbara Darby 11-Oct-2019 08:32:50
Early death of Aby.
So sorry to learn of the death of your Aby at such an early age. I don't understand "mixed sex" but fluid round the lungs is called "pleural effusion". I hope that helps you.
Irene Andreeva 07-Oct-2019 17:56:41
Early death of mixed sex abby cat
My Abby cat got mixed sex, at 3.5 yo it died of unknown disease. Water in pleural zones of lungs. She lost weight till bones in 3 hours, lackness of oxygen. RIP ma Mishele. Is there a common name of this disease?
Barbara Darby 13-Jul-2019 17:14:07
So sorry to hear this but what a wonderful age. Many happy memories of him I'm sure. Sleep tight Cheekie.
Mike & Karen Shammas 09-Jul-2019 11:30:48
RIP Cheekie
Today we had to say goodbye to Ch. Mikkar Cherokee, 3 months shy of his 19th birthday. He will be sorely missed.
Barbara Darby 13-Jun-2019 18:32:08
Response & email address
Many thanks Mike, much appreciated. I've added the new entries from the show.
Mike & Karen Shammas 13-Jun-2019 08:02:03
email address
my email address is mike'theatsymbol'
Mike & Karen Shammas 13-Jun-2019 08:00:01
Hi All.Thanks for your feedback.  I suppose I should explain that it costs me about £100/yr to maintain a hosting/mail facility. The code is old now, the site is easy-ish to hack by miscreants, and it should be be rewritten. I don't have that time right now.  Nevertheless, consider it reprieved for now.
Barbara Darby 11-Jun-2019 09:34:59
ACC show Jun 2019
Results & pics now up on the ACC website. Congrats to all.
Gina Kent 30-Apr-2019 14:35:55
Hi Mike
Please can you email me trying to contact you but don't seem to have a valid email address. Thanks Gina
Sally Plummer 28-Apr-2019 16:30:43
Please keep Abyworld Active
After quite a few years out of Abyworld, I'm happy to see you're still here. Many thanks Mike & Karen.
Lorraine Pontello 04-Jan-2019 08:52:23
Please keep Abyworld live
I've also made an effort to put our kittens on the database over the years. The Abyworld site is a great resource for breeders and also interesting for owners. I've had quite a few very impressed people over the years when I tell them they can follow their kitten's pedigree back many, many generations.
Alan Lockwood 03-Jan-2019 10:45:01
Please keep Abyworld Active.
We've always put all our kittens on Abyworld and think it is a fantastic site. I spend hours browsing pedigrees and it would be a terrible shame if all your hard work, along with contributors like George Kennedy,was lost for future Aby fanatics.Hope 2019 is good to you, Alan and Val Lockwood--Syrinx Abyssinians.
Chris Hughes 02-Jan-2019 19:14:49
Abyworld staying
Sorry Mike, I emailed rather than posted on here first. But I'd love to see Abyworld stay - I still use it at times too! It's very useful! If there's any particular reason you were thinking of taking it down, do say if anyone can help? Best wishes for 2019!
Lydia Barrett 02-Jan-2019 13:32:39
Should Abyworld stay?
I find the site very useful for checking pedigrees and test matings especially.
Barbara Darby 02-Jan-2019 10:55:26
Kitten list
I also note that you've taken out old kitten ads. Well done!
Barbara Darby 02-Jan-2019 10:50:29
Should Abyworld stay?
Yes please, I still find it so useful although no longer breeding - you may be able to see that from my logins. I have also deleted numbers of spam entries. I'm also aware, through online groups, that many others also find it invaluable. Happy New year to you both.
Mike & Karen Shammas 31-Dec-2018 15:17:45
Should Abyworld stay?
Please would active Abyworld users make themselves known? I am thinking of taking the site down, but want to know how much difficulty that would cause others. Please post your response on the Message Board.
Mike & Karen Shammas 31-Dec-2018 15:14:26
Hacker accounts
I have deleted about 14,000 fake accounts (in my opinion) leaving under 1,000 real ones. Anyone who can't log in can always make their case...
Mike & Karen Shammas 31-Dec-2018 15:12:33
GDPR compliance
Hi All. I have updated the data to comply as best I can with GDPR requirements. Address for 'people' have been replaced with just their country, and phone numbers have been removed. User's phone numbers have also been removed.
Barbara Darby 20-Sep-2018 19:39:45
Debbie Dixon Crystalpaws Abyssinians
So sorry to hear of Debbie's death today. She did so much for chocolates & lilacs and other unusual colours. Our condolences to Mark and the children.
Barbara Darby 13-Jun-2018 09:25:15
ACC Show 9th June 2018
Full open class results now up on the ACC website.
Joan Miller 28-Aug-2017 23:36:08
George Kennedy
I have wonderful memories of exchanges of Aby information over many years with George during the 70s and 80s. We have lost an Icon.
Barbara Darby 17-Aug-2017 10:31:50
George Kennedy
I've had the following message from Wendy Newton of Swift Abyssinians in Australia. Dear all, It is with sadness that I have to let you know that George lost his battle early this morning and passed away peacefully in his sleep. I had visited him just yesterday at the hospital. Julie has asked me to pass on this information and to let you know she does not wish for any flowers to be sent just donations to Cancer, Renal and cat related foundations. I will let those interested in the funeral details once they have been finalised. Please pass on the news to anyone I have not included or to those who do not have email access. Thank you, Wendy
Barbara Darby 14-Jun-2017 10:43:51
ACC show 10th June 2017
Open class & BIS results now up on the website
Barbara Darby 24-Jan-2017 14:47:33
Silversmoke Pal Joey
We very sadly lost Joey, our beautiful gentle giant, last night. Some of you may remember his story (on our website) and the vets then said he may not make it past five but he got to six and a half. In the end, the strain from his scarred lungs was too much for his heart. We rushed him to the vet where he was still able to make a fuss of me but we made the decision to let him go. Sleep tight Joey, you gave us so much love and were a friend to all our others. Kitten sitter extraordinary, sloppy kisser and heavy breather that you were. We'll miss you like mad,
Barbara Darby 16-Sep-2016 10:43:24
Nile Abyssinians
Congratulations to George and Julie Kennedy on forty years of Aby breeding
Barbara Darby 29-Nov-2015 13:27:42
UKGrCh&Pr Agapae Macaria
Our beautiful blue girl Maxi died peacefully last night in her sleep at the age of sixteen. She was only the second blue UK grand Aby in GCCF. She sadly had to be neutered comparatively early as she developed pyometra and it was before we knew about Lutalyse. In her show career she became a Champion while still only nine months old - before back-to-back shows!. Altogether she won 7CC's, 3GrCC's, 2ResGrCC's, 2UKGrCC's, 3PC's, 2GrPC's and 1 ResGrPC. Sadly her coat went too dark to win any more so she spent the rest of her life being a feisty madam and matriarch of the clan. She had six litters of kittens - one giving us some concern as she went a week overdue (yes, we had got the dates right) and involved three trips to the vet - the last one almost having her kittens in a traffic jam on the way home. The best name we gave one of her kittens was Urcool Purro (the litter having to begin with the letter 'U'!. You have to think about Agatha Christie to get the joke! He ended up being called Simon! She'll be buried at the top of the garden. Sleep tight Maxi, you deserve it.
Shelley Hlady 26-Jun-2015 21:14:28
Wil-O-Glen's Tennessee Whiskey--search
If you know Sally Tatum,Featherhill, or think you know what happened to this cat, or year he died, please email me at Thanks,(or ph. 604-7957111) Shelley Hlady Canada
Barbara Darby 14-Mar-2015 10:45:32
Papers now posted for the AGM on 12th April. If you need more info it's on the ACC website
Barbara Darby 24-Jun-2014 17:43:14
ACC show 2014
Certificate winner results and a few pictures are now up on the website. If you were there and showing, please check that I've got it all right. If you were there not showing, hope you enjoyed it! If you weren't there and are interested hopefully this will help.
Mike & Karen Shammas 24-Dec-2013 13:49:38
Merry Christmas
Another year flown by - Merry Christmas wherever you are.
Barbara Darby 24-Nov-2013 17:32:45
Supreme 2013
Aby results are now up on the ACC website. Follow the link from the home page. Thanks to Maria for the info.
Barbara Darby 17-Aug-2013 17:29:47
Details of a sorrel male Aby found wandering in Camberley on the ACC website together with details of who to contact if anyone knows his owner.
Barbara Darby 21-Jul-2013 19:05:20
ACC show
Forgot to say the open class results are up on the ACC website.
Mike & Karen Shammas 28-Dec-2012 08:28:39
Mery Christmas and a Happy New Year
To all Abyworld watchers.
Barbara Darby 23-Nov-2012 22:31:15
Aby Oldies
The 9 mentioned by Maria (below) are no longer looking for new homes. There are often others in need of homes so please chekc the sites if you can help.
Val Spragg 26-Sep-2012 18:43:43
Aby BAC Seminar
Thank you to all the exhibitors who joined the Abyssinian Seminar at the Wyvern Cat Club Show on 8th September; The Probationer Judges were given a good range of cats to write reports on and get good experience of the dynamic variances they are likely to encounter judging our lovely breed.
Mike & Karen Shammas 05-Aug-2012 11:43:28
Bug observed.
I have just spotted a bug - the mini-pictures displayed in the cat pages are wrong, they are taking the top left of the picture instead of shrinking it down. Whoops! I'll get round to it when I can. Mike
Val Spragg 29-Jun-2012 12:45:51
Aby BAC Seminar
The breed seminar will take place during the morning of the Wyvern Cat Club Show, Perdiswell Leisure Centre, Worcester on 8th September. Cats attending the seminar are eligible to enter in competition at the Show. For further details please contact me either by e-mail or telephone. or 01386 852594
Barbara Darby 16-Apr-2012 22:10:27
Aby Cat Club Show
Schedule now up on our website Hope to see lots of you there.
Val Spragg 07-Apr-2012 22:02:58
ACA Show
A lovely day, great cats; thanks to everyone who supported the day. Special thanks to Simon Twigge and Sheryl Edwards (Show Manager & Assistant Show Manager) for a lovely well organised show. Thank you also to Lynda Ashmore, Michele Codd, Ruth Hopkins & Pina Meakin for judging our lovely cats. Show results will be posted later.
Barbara Darby 06-Apr-2012 18:03:09
ACA show/AGM
Good luck to all, sorry we can't be with you. Hope you have agreat day
Val Spragg 27-Mar-2012 23:32:58
ACA Show / AGM 7th April 2012
The Show team and Committee look forward to seeing you and your cats at the show. The AGM will take place once the hall is emptied for judging (10 am approx), starting with complimentary breakfast - sausage/bacon rolls & tea/coffee for everyone attending the AGM; formal business from 10:30.
Mike & Karen Shammas 16-Feb-2012 21:18:14
Pedigree Fault fixed
Bug found and blasted. Mike
Mike & Karen Shammas 16-Feb-2012 20:44:16
Another bug found
Pedigrees aren't working. I am looking at it. Mike
Mike & Karen Shammas 15-Feb-2012 20:08:21
Kitten List fault - fixed
Bug fixed, I believe. Please confirm all is OK for you now. Cheers, Mike.
Mike & Karen Shammas 15-Feb-2012 07:12:07
Kitten List fault
Hi Karel, yes I confirm the fault. Slipped through the net in the haste to get the new site out - I will try and fix it tonight. Cheers, Mike
Karel Stockley 12-Feb-2012 12:37:56
Kitten List,
Hi Mike, The kitten List "save changes" button is not connected so you can not publish any adverts. Love the new look.
Mike & Karen Shammas 03-Feb-2012 19:28:21
Abyworld Reborn
Dear All, my new version of Abyworld is running from my study, ahead of my launch date, due to the complete incompetence of my current hosters, I am firing their sorry arses, but in the meantime please excuse the odd broken feature - I did not have time to test it all. Mike
Valerie Davidson 18-Oct-2011 13:59:54
GC Riverfern Grace
I was very said to learn that Grace went over the rainbow bridge on 17th Oct 2011. 19 days short of her 16th birthday. RIP Grace Valerie (Riverfern Abys)
Mike & Karen Shammas 28-Jul-2011 23:25:52
Abyworld Down - Apology
I'm sorry Abyworld went down for a couple of days - my lovely hosters moved the database, and left me high and dry. Sorted now though.
Val Spragg 23-May-2011 22:19:27
GCCF Centenary Dinner
A great evening at the Belfrey hotel and golf Club. Over £700 raised for the IT refresh project. See GCCF website for further details. Shirley Bullock, Val Spragg and Gill Wilson attended.
Barbara Darby 05-Apr-2011 21:36:08
ACC show 18th June 2011
The schedule for the show is now available on the ACC website
Val Spragg 20-Mar-2011 15:57:16
ACA Show / AGM 2nd April
AGM at 10am; show open to the public from 12.30
Elizabeth Forbes 25-Feb-2011 14:44:54
2 April show
What is the time of the show bit of this event? Sounds as tho' it's before 10AM?
Elizabeth Forbes 25-Feb-2011 14:17:06
Looking for little accidents
Hello Abyworld - I've just said goodbye to my loyal, sweet, affectionate BurmeseX Martha after 20 years, the first 15 with her sister Leah, the furriest purriest cat ever. I'd love their successors to by AbyXes and wonder if any of you know of any little accidents with Aby queens that might have resulted in little AbyXes? Last time I was looking, when Leah died, there was a lady calling for 'help! my queen got out!' and I'm rather hoping there might be one of the same again. I'm in Wiltshire, but willing of course to travel. Hope to hear from you!
Val Spragg 20-Feb-2011 19:27:08
ACA Show / AGM 2nd April
ACA show & AGM – Saturday 2nd April 2011 Plumley is just a few miles off Junction 19 off the M6 and there is a lot of good cat friendly, reasonably priced accommodation in the area, for those having a long journey. Plumley Village Hall is situated in the heart of the Cheshire countryside. Nearby is the historic town of Knutsford; a quaint small town with lots to see. Also for those more adventurous types there is Tabley House and a little further Stapley Water Gardens to visit. The ACA AGM will be held in conjunction with our annual show on Saturday 2nd April; Complimentary breakfast baps will be available to members attending the AGM which will commence shortly after clearing of the main hall at 10am.
Barbara Darby 24-Nov-2010 23:04:06
Supreme Show
Think you did! Congrats to everyone, great show.
Mike & Karen Shammas 19-Nov-2010 07:46:13
Supreme Show
Hope to see lots of you there tomorrow!
Val Spragg 21-Aug-2010 20:04:19
ABAC Seminar
Look forward to seeing you all there. Seminar is all about "Colour" and we have a wide range of Abyssinians to cover the spectrum. Any queries please contact me on 01386 852594 - Val Spragg
Barbara Darby 02-Aug-2010 16:17:36
Freda Andrews
We've had an email from Val and Alan Lockwood this morning to say that, tragically, Freda died last night. She had had a massive heart attck and, despite being flown to Glasgow, they were not able to save her. I have let Val and Alan know that I'm posting this and have sent a personal messgae from us both. She has left her husband Pete and other family and, of course, Fudge and her kittens. If I get any more news I'll post it here
Val Spragg 01-Aug-2010 17:47:34
Aby BAC Seminar - reminder
The Abyssinian BAC is holding its seminar on Sunday 22nd August. The Theme is 'Colour'. The venue is Badsey Recreation Club Ballards Park Brewers Lane Badsey Evesham Worcs WR11 7EU The hall is situated just 1.5 miles off the A46.Evesham, convenient for Jnct 6 & 7 (Worcester North and South) or 8 (Tewksbury) of the M5. It is not far from either the Stratford ACC show venue or the old ACA Greig Hall, Alcester show venue. Tickets are available from Lynda Ashmore, 7 Ledstone Road, Sheffield, S8 0NS, price £7.50 plus an SAE (CHEQUES MADE PAYABLE TO THE ABYSSINIAN BAC). The price includes lunch. Please advise of any food allergies etc at the time of booking. The seminar is held to help train new judges, but stewards, breeders and indeed anyone interested in the breed are welcome to attend. Times Vetting in 11.00am - 11.15am 11.30 for Probationer Judges wishing to do Assessments. 12:00 for everyone else. The seminar organiser is Valerie Spragg, who can be contacted on 01386 852594; email: Places are still available, please contact Lynda or Val Spragg if you are interested.
Maria Cummins 12-Jul-2010 15:00:16
Abuse of site
Thanks Mike, as TESCO would say, every little helps :)
Mike & Karen Shammas 08-Jul-2010 22:17:00
Abuse of site
I have blocked a user a/c and advert on the Message Board. This site is for use by bona fide individuals only. NEVER respond to adverts placed on this message board, and always seek to verify the authenticity of anyone selling pedigree Abyssinian cats. -
Maria Cummins 07-Jul-2010 08:19:21
To all aby breeders, the Unusual aby group has recently been subject to a number of enquiries for kittens that are for breeding. Numerous different stories have been told to different members by the same individuals. Please be extra careful when selling. For more information contact me direct.
Val Spragg 06-Jul-2010 19:19:36
Aby Re-home
The Abyssinian Cat Association have an adult Fawn Abyssinian male neuter in need of a permanent loving home. Please contact our Welfare Officer, Dorothy Harley, telephone 01259 750576. A home where he will be the only cat is preferred. UK enquiries only please.
Val Spragg 15-Jun-2010 18:50:49
ACA Garden Party -20th June
Forgot to mention - from 13:30 onwards
Val Spragg 11-Jun-2010 20:53:53
ACA Garden Party -20th June
Please let me know if you are intending to attend the garden party on the 20th: or telephone 01386 852594 to ensure adquate catering. Hopefully the weather will be lovely and warm :-) Lots of fun for all the family, the cats are looking forward to your viisit, please do no dissapoint them.
Val Spragg 18-Apr-2010 20:41:07
Pat Desolla (indasia Abyssinians)
It is with sadness that the ACA heard of the sudden death this week of Pat Desolla, Pat had bred Abyssinians and Cornish Rex for many years under the Indasia prefix. Our thoughts and prayers are with David and the family at this sad time.
Mike & Karen Shammas 06-Feb-2010 08:24:08
Mikkar Autumn Melody
I am sad to report the death on Monday of Melody, aged 15. Melody's show career spanned exactly one show, but she went on to produce many lovely kittens over the years. The most well known was IGC Mikkar Jamboree. Rest in Peace, Melly-Mel.
Mike & Karen Shammas 27-Dec-2009 23:51:12
The time
The time is at the server, which is in Germany! They are normally an hour ahead of us.
Karel Stockley 26-Dec-2009 00:35:34
Is the time set right?
Hi Mike, I know that I am sad but I was sitting working on the site at 23:30 25th Dec and the gestation calculator told me it was 26th Dec already??? thought I had better ask if it needs lokking at. Merry Xmas Karel, Kazizkatz Abyssinians, Sussex Uk
Mike & Karen Shammas 01-Dec-2009 21:54:45
Nothing has changed that much in the last 6 years since you logged in! Are you sure you were logged in? If you can reproduce your problem please send me a screenshot.Mike
Shelley Hlady 28-Nov-2009 20:19:57
I can't get the ped board to allow me to edit my cats, even though it comes up as if I should be able too. What has changed? Also, is there a place to put other comments, ie when then died and from what ? Shelley Hlady
Val Spragg 24-Nov-2009 18:58:12
Supreme Show Congratulations
I believe Satinwood Menelek, Owned by Tony & Lisa Cole (breeder Pat Bray) was Best of Variety Kitten, Supreme 1998.
Mike & Karen Shammas 23-Nov-2009 07:34:52
Supreme Congratulations
To Lorraine Pontello for One Shot, who got his UK Grand title on Saturday, and to Shirley Evans for Lipstick Jungle's Best of Variety win. As to when the last Aby up on stage was, I don't know either, but I don't remember one since Kipper's Best Adult win in 1996 - does anyone remember anything since then? Mike
Christine Leith 22-Nov-2009 20:57:33
Supreme Show - Best of Variety Foreign Kitten
How wonderful to see Koperkat Lipstick Jungle win Best Foreign Kitten yesterday. Congratulations to Shirley Evans and David & Louise Miskelly. I've never seen an Aby up on the main stage, does anyone know when the last one was?
Maria Cummins 20-Nov-2009 20:17:02
Good luck to everyone attending the Supreme show tomorrow, from all at Legend Abyssinians. Please come and see us tomorrow at the club stand for the ACC
Mike & Karen Shammas 20-Nov-2009 07:50:14
Don't forget eveyone, tomorrow is the Supreme Show at the NEC. Be square or BE THERE! Mike
Isobel Hansell 09-Nov-2009 20:51:27

Sorry, I posted my message bfore I read the Board.
Isobel Hansell 09-Nov-2009 20:49:53
If anyone in the Tamworth area has lost an Abyssinian adult or if you are a breeder and have sold a kitten to anyone in this area in the last 18 months please contact Isobel 01538 383880
Margaret Jones 08-Nov-2009 15:59:52
Abyssinian found
An adult usual male abyssinian has been found wandering in Tamworth. For more information contact Dorothy Harley 01259 750576
Jill Gillard 19-Oct-2009 19:46:15
Jeremy Jill Gillard
We have been taken over by 6 kittens, four usual boys, one sorrel boy and one sorrel girl. Still to master registration on the kitten list but until we have, we are spreading the word that they are ready to take over the world mid December. They are very friendly, have masses of human contact and are great little characters. A huge thank you to Ron and Barbara for helping us at every hurdle.
Kirsten Heerwagen 24-Sep-2009 13:32:24
P.S. I have uploaded 3 grainy photos of him which were taken some months ago.
Kirsten Heerwagen 24-Sep-2009 13:27:01
Seawind Saracen
Saracen died in my arms this morning. He was 17 years old. He suffered a stroke a couple of days ago and was no longer able to support himself to toilet. He slept with me for most of the night and we enjoyed a very purry cuddle this morning, then I held him while the vet put him to sleep. He was a very special boy and it was an honour and a privilege to have had him in my life. He leaves a devastatingly enormous hole in my life, and I will miss him more than I can say, , but he's with his beloved companion Tarragon again now. Mike I would be grateful if would kindly update his record. Many thanks Kirsten Heerwagen
Barbara Darby 16-Sep-2009 07:36:44
Mr & Mrs Johnson
Thanks Mike, that is the last known address we have and it is out of date, but if anyone does know their current address it would be very helpful.
Barbara Darby 16-Sep-2009 07:34:29
Steve Morris
Thanks Mike, all fine. Just wish I could remember how to do it then I wouldn't have needed to bother you.
Mike & Karen Shammas 15-Sep-2009 22:39:54
Steve Morris
Details changed as per Barbara's request. Please check. Mike
Mike & Karen Shammas 15-Sep-2009 22:38:54
Mr & Mrs Johnson
Barbara, I have an address in Abyworld for the Johnsons - it must be way old though.
Val Spragg 13-Sep-2009 20:53:31
Imp Grd Ch Wavetail Domino
Congratulations on your Imp Grd award at the Wyvern Show yesterday Well done.
Barbara Darby 12-Sep-2009 15:15:29
If anyone has contact details for Mr & Mrs Johnson, prefix 'Shoulang', who used to live in Staffordshire please can they contact the Aby Cat Club 
Mike & Gail Davis 11-Sep-2009 22:06:14
Cigar for Hawkeye!
Our Usual girl, GCCF & TICA Ch Elbereth CocoChanel gave birth to four beautiful kittens earlier today. She had 1 Usual boy, 2 Usual girls and a Blue girl. Our thanks to Ron & Barbara for kindly allowing Coco to spend some time with Hawkeye. Best Mike & Gail
Barbara Darby 11-Sep-2009 15:27:12
Dreamcatcher Azureprince
Hello Iain, I'm so soryy to hear of your loss of Zaky, they leave such an awful gap when they've gone. I think we all know how we feel when we lose a very dear friend. Perhaps in time you may be able to think about getting another Aby to give you a new friend. I've updated Zaky's record for you. Barbara
Iain Smith 10-Sep-2009 01:28:38
Dreamcatcher Azureprince
Dear all, I am very new to this website and I must say it is one of the best for Abyssinian Fans. I am the owner of Dreamcatcher Azureprince aka Zaky. On the 8th of September 2009 Zaky was put to sleep while I held him after suffering from liver failure. He will always be in my heart and never forgotten. Im glad I came across this website because I was able to see his ancestors/siblings. Even though I am not a breeder I was wondering if someone could update his Record . Registration number = CS 380019 Nickname = Zaky If this can be done I will be very greatful. He has been with me my whole life and will be missed. Thank You Iain Smith, 21, Scotland
Barbara Darby 09-Sep-2009 21:32:05
GP Legend Iota Tigerlily
No need to be sorry, I just thought it would be good, very glad you got there first - proud parent and all!!!
Maria Cummins 09-Sep-2009 10:02:58
GP Legend Iota Tigerlily
Sorry about that :) thought I'd get it in there in the unlikely event that I forgot to do it!
Barbara Darby 05-Sep-2009 22:24:11
GP Legend Iota Tigerlily
Many congrats to Maria, Kay and Titch. Maria, you beat me to the upgrade! Barbara
Val Spragg 05-Sep-2009 15:27:09
Supreme Show 2009
The ACA will once again be at the Supreme Cat Show on Saturday 21st November 2009. We have booked a double exhibition pen for our Club Row Exhibit (s) and would like to have two kittens to represent the breed. If you are interested in bringing your kittens for our Club to show off, please contact me by phone or e-mail. Val Spragg 01386 852594 / as soon as possible. The Club funds the entry and you get a free pass into the show. Please support the show, enter your cats, the Supreme Show is the ideal opportunity to show off our unique breed.
Mike & Karen Shammas 24-Aug-2009 21:41:01
Email Problem
If anyone sent me an email to any of my accounts between 6th June and 10th August, I do not have it. If it was important or relevant, please re-send any mail from that period. Cheers, Mike
Peter Russell 08-Aug-2009 19:05:39
looking to rehome abbeys; preferably two (brother/sister or both brothers. Ideally usual. Have had abbeys for the last 30 years as pets. e mail Peter Russell
Val Spragg 06-Jul-2009 13:59:45
Adult Re-home
The Abyssinian Cat Association have adult Abyssinians looking for new homes under their Welfare Scheme. For details please contact Dorothy Harley Tel: 01259 750576 (UK enquries only please)
Val Spragg 05-Jul-2009 20:48:16
First Lilac Champion
Glendavan Getta Mauve-on, aka "pinky", well done David and Louise, well worth the trip from "calendonii" to "Glevum", that or there abouts anyway.
Mike & Karen Shammas 27-Jun-2009 21:14:19
GCCF Finance Committee Proposals
I have just posted these up onto the ACA site. Anyone at all interested in the future of the GCCF should read them. Click here
Barbara Darby 23-Jun-2009 07:53:03
ACC show
Also Rintinaby Red Herring was made up to Imperial Grand Premier. Crystaltips Amhara Dewdrop won the first PC for a lilac. Syrinx Tarantella made up to Champion as was Nishalka Anissa. Quite a clutch of brilliant results.
Val Spragg 22-Jun-2009 21:26:58
ACC show
and I overlooked the fact that Annera Miriella was made up to Premier too.
Mike & Karen Shammas 22-Jun-2009 07:55:47
ACC Show
and Mynx got made up to Grand as well!
Val Spragg 21-Jun-2009 22:49:13
ACC show
Well done Mike and Karen, and of course GrdCh Mikkar Ashanti Warrior on getting his Imp Grd and BIS Adult yesterday
Mike & Karen Shammas 19-Jun-2009 07:40:02
ACC Show
Don't forget, it's the Abyssinian Cat Club show at Stratford-onAvon tomorrow. What a great day out for Aby lovers! Mike
Kirsten Heerwagen 17-Jun-2009 15:34:22
I have piccies at last
Hi Mike & Karen I have some pictures of Saracen on my PC now . I'll email a couple of them to you if that's alright for you to add to the site. And I'm so sorry to hear about Kipper, you must be devastated . He certainly was a handsome boy and will live on in memory. I'm thinking of you . Kirst.
Barbara Darby 09-Jun-2009 13:42:14
Karen and Mike, we are so sorry to hear about Kipper. He was truly one of the greats in British Abys and his name, qualities and character lives on in so many of his descendants. We always wondered where Maxi (his daughter UKGC & Pr Agapae Macaria) learnt her expertise in trashing pens and now we know. Sleep well, Kipper, you have earned your long rest. Our thoughts are with you both too. Barbara and Ron
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 09-Jun-2009 11:18:04
Supreme UK GC Mikkar Giddy Kipper
We are all so sorry to hear of Kippers passing, he certainly charmed us both when we met him, especially Maurice! He really was a gorgeous boy, even then and had such a fantastic way about him. We feel honoured to have met him and more so still to have his granddaughter Mikkar Ladylynx and great granddaughter Lovelynx Et Seti-Ra here with us, bringing joy and laughter every day! We will never forget meeting Kipper, he really was quite unforgettable! Our thoughts are with you and Karen at this time... Jacquie & Maurice - Lovelynx Abyssinians
Mike & Karen Shammas 08-Jun-2009 14:17:02
Supreme UK GC Mikkar Giddy Kipper
It is with great sorrow that I must record the death of Kipper in the early hours this morning, in Karen's arms.

Kipper click here had a large influence on the breed here in GCCF, winning his Supreme title at the Supreme Show in 1996. He used to love going out for a show, trashing his pen, and making up to the judges. I believe he was an affectionate lover to his numerous girlfriends through the years, until his retirement as a stud some 6 or so years ago.

He had been unwell for some years, but battled on against all adversities. At home he was rarely challenged by the other cats, who respected his authority until the end. He never stopped thieving food, or opening doors that shouldn't be opened.

He is succeeded by his son Ch. Mikkar Cherokee, daughters Mikkar Autumn Melody (now 15) and GC Mikkar Blue Candytuft, grandson GC Mikkar Ashanti Warrior and granddaughter Ch. Mikkar Little Mynx, amongst others.

Kipper was 16½ years old.


Mike & Karen Shammas 08-May-2009 17:00:24
Mossmir Sheuan
Looks like I'm missing her reg. no and the same with her mother. If you woud like to email me at, I will happily enter that for you. Cheers, Mike
Chris Swain 08-May-2009 15:14:57
We have An Aby
This message is for Mike and Karen Shammas We have Mossmir Sheuan on the the database Silver aby We are the owners of her since dec 2001 She is still very much alive and a wonderful old lady and we love her to bits Would like to update details on the website Can you let us know if this is possible Regards Chris & Janette
Val Spragg 25-Apr-2009 13:33:34
One of my Aby's had undiagnosed TF for 18months despite having had all the tests. I would in hindsight have had the treatment earlier despite the apparent lack of diagnosis as the symptoms were classic TF. Each time my boy had anitbiotics he responded well initially but then relapsed after a few weeks. Prolonged infection can cause irreversable damage to the gut to the point where it can't absorb food etc., My in-contact cats had some diarrhoea from time to time but other than that they were fine. When he finally had a positive test last September it was too late. However some cats do seem to tolerate the condition better than others. I would urge you not to let repeated bouts of diarrhoea go unexplained and get your vet to send samples off for a PCR test you may need several tests as the protozoa shed intermittenlty.
Barbara Darby 23-Apr-2009 07:42:20
Not necessarily. Breeders who have had all their cats tested have been quite surprised that some are affected and some aren't even if they share litter trays etc. Some can be affected without showing any symptoms at all. It does also seem that some cats can 'cure' themselves although it can take about a year or so. It might just be worth trying her in Iams Hairball food - it has had a beneficial effect on some cats with the runs. If it is TF it probably won't though. Glad she's doing better anyway.
lorraine butler 22-Apr-2009 19:33:32
aby with diarrhoea
If my aby had tf (just been reading the breeders info sheet, thanks Barbara )wouldn't my other 3 cats have symptoms ? They have never had diarrhoea which is interesting.All are over 3yrs old and share litter trays and food bowls.None of them are aby's.
lorraine butler 22-Apr-2009 19:06:54
aby's diarrhoea
Thanks to everyone who responded to my message.My aby still has runny stools but they are not passed so frequently.Someone told me soon after Ihad her that aby's were prone to funny tummies, so I assumed she just had a sensitive gut as she seems so happy and healthy in every other way.She has a beautiful glossy coat bright eyes and the most affectionate nature.So doesn't appear to be suffering. I will mention to my vet about TF.It does seem to describe my aby's symptoms,right down to the inflamed backpassage !!
Barbara Darby 22-Apr-2009 07:59:33
Lorraine, don't give up. Many vets have still not heard of TF and it IS curable. Try looking at this link and ask your vet if he/she's prepared to try the PCR test. It may have to be repeated as you do get false negatives but it is well worth while as TF is such an elusive parasite to trace and the earlier it is caught the better. Many, many people have cleared their cats of this, but until it is better known by everyone it will take time to get through.
Mike & Karen Shammas 22-Apr-2009 07:55:30
Parasites and Bacteria
Parasites and Bacteria know no breed boundaries, nor do viruses - cats are cats, and some will be unlucky and be hit by a variety of illnesses - others will not. Rather like people. You may find that diet changes have a beneficial effect, but these necessarily take a very long time to take effect and cannot be rushed.
Kirsten Heerwagen 21-Apr-2009 13:39:31
Saracen's pedigree
Mike thanks for adding Saracen's pedigree, how interesting , I've never seen the 5th generation before.
Kirsten Heerwagen 21-Apr-2009 13:32:49
Aby's diarrhoea
Hi Lorraine my 17 yr old Aby Saracen has suffered loose stools and diarrhoea his whole life. We've tried EVERYTHING imaginable - change of diet, antibiotics, fasting, supplements. He now has an overactive thyroid too and is on medication so I spend most time shovelling whatever food he'll actually eat down him. I keep away from heavy proteins like red meats, he has white fish for breakfast, and fresh chicken several times a week, he hates anything in gravy, just licks the gravy and leaves the rest (I can't get away with mashing it either- he knows) If anyone has a solution I'd love to know. I'm sure Saracen would love to aswell as it can't be pleasant for him. Hope yours gets well soon.
Maria Cummins 21-Apr-2009 12:01:37
For Lorraine
Hi Lorraine, Please don't lose heart, the parasites that you have read about are NOT restricted to abys, all breeds can get them but fortunately they are not common and hopefully your aby girl has a much more innocent and simple to cure explanation.
lorraine butler 20-Apr-2009 21:51:49
my aby's diarrhoea
since having my aby 3 years ago, she has always had soft stools.Recently this has become diarrhoea and the poor girl hasn't been able to control where she goes.My vet has given her a course of antibiotics, amoxicillin.Too early yet to tell if they will work.After reading about the various parasites and bacteria that haunt the abyssinian, my heart is sinking ever lower. Ithink we may be beginning a long and difficult road.
Barbara Darby 18-Apr-2009 21:46:14
Aby Cat Club Show 20.06.09
Please excuse cross posting but the schedule is now up on our website for the show. Barbara
Mike & Karen Shammas 09-Apr-2009 08:27:40
I'll get back to you on that Kirsten
Kirsten Heerwagen 07-Apr-2009 12:23:02
Thanks Mike and Karen. I have tons of piccies of Saracen but none on this PC, so watch this space. His colour is usual. Is there a form I can fill in with his pedigree details? I love your site, by the way, and spent a good half an hour oohing and aahing over the cute pics.
Mike & Karen Shammas 06-Apr-2009 07:56:41
Welcome Kirsten
It's always nice to find a new member, particularly one with a really old Aby. Do you have any photos of Saracen? Or his pedigree details? I'll happily get them both into Abyworld. Cheers, Mike
Kirsten Heerwagen 06-Apr-2009 01:27:36
Seawind Abys
Hi, I'm new, I just found this site whilst surfing the net and was sorry to read about Ann Rose who sadly passed away last year. I have a beautiful Aby boy - Seawind Saracen - he's almost 17 years old now, and my pride and joy. He headbutts me (spilling my tea sometimes) , sleeps in my bed, loves everyone and is the cuddliest cat in the world. He's a real character. I've never shown him as he had a slight deformity of the eye (and hates travelling). Nice to see other Seawind descendents on here!
Barbara Darby 31-Mar-2009 07:14:56
I hope so too Val, it should be reported in the next FAB journal I hope. Currently off work with a dreadful lurgi - no voice, one eye looks as if I've done rounds with Frank Bruno, deaf in one ear, a cough that could be used as an offensive weapon... Missed two important meetings at work yesterday and should have another on Wednesday.
Barbara Darby 31-Mar-2009 07:05:27
Of course, if you'd entered Camcats instead and turned up at Stevenage you *would* have been in the right place at the right time.... Best Barbara
Val Spragg 29-Mar-2009 20:16:01
Tritrichomonas Foetus
I see the FAB symposium is covering this at their conference at the NEC on Wednesday. Is anyone going?
Val Spragg 29-Mar-2009 20:05:30
Not Lost
Were you exploring, breaking new ground, pushing the envelope and expanding your horizons on the way? Did it really take a whole week to travel from Cirencester to Woking. If its that far I wouldn't enter again. :-)
Mike & Karen Shammas 29-Mar-2009 09:20:07
Definition: Chagrin
Chagrin is defined in the Shammas Dictionary of the English Language as ... that feeling or emotion engendered by the realisation that you have arrived exactly 1 week late for the Surrey & Sussex Cat Association Cat Show. Grrrraaaaarrrrr!
Mike & Karen Shammas 23-Mar-2009 07:41:42
Not lost!
I realise now that, in retrospect, I was actually exploring, breaking new ground, pushing the envelope and expanding my horizons. My press release had not been approved by me, and I have disciplined the individual concerned! Mike
Barbara Darby 19-Mar-2009 23:18:39
That's what you said in your report on the ACA show.... (see relevant para) - shows at least two people read it! Hope you warmed up & dried out. Barbara
Mike & Karen Shammas 17-Mar-2009 08:21:41
re: ACA Show 7th March 2009
I resemble that remark! I was not lost, just differently located! Mike
Val Spragg 14-Mar-2009 22:39:35
ACA Show 7th March 2009
Thank you to everyone who supported the ACA show. Well done Ch Mikkar Little Minx who won both BIS Adult and Overall BIS, Pontaby Enrico BIS Kitten and Annera Miriella BIS Neuter. A great day for everyone, even Mike who got lost in Tatton Park!
Barbara Darby 20-Feb-2009 07:55:48
Dan & Alazan
Thanks so much to everyone for their kind words about Dan. Val, we're so sorry to hear about Alazan. At least we had Dan longer than you had him, but TF is such an insidious affliction. It's also so worrying that you can have false negative tests - on more than one occasion - and the cat is getting worse all the time. As you say, by the time you get the positive result it can be too late. Too many vets (ours definitely excluded) can also be less than helpful about TF. At least it is now coming more and more to the front and perhaps a more reliable test will be able to be found soon, together with a licensed treatment. Barbara and Ron
Mike & Karen Shammas 18-Feb-2009 19:07:24
Dear Ron & Barbara,

Karen and I were very sorry to hear about Dan - it is very upsetting to lose a dear friend.

Val Spragg 14-Feb-2009 14:40:04
Gr Ch Silversmoke Dan Dare
So sorry to hear that you have lost your lovely boy, you must be devastated. I also lost Pr Annera Alazan late last year as a result of TTF. Isobel was very supportive and as you say her article was a godsend but despite the treatment it was just too late to reverse the chronic damage already done. Incidentally I had already had the tests done for TTF 12 months previously and twice they had come back negative; its really important not to let persistant diarrhoea go on for too long.
Barbara Darby 12-Feb-2009 21:36:44
Gr Ch Silversmoke Dan Dare
We are devastated to say that we lost our Dan on Monday 9th February 2009, a week short of his tenth birthday. Since December Dan was being treated for Tritrichomonas Foetus. He was making good progress but sadly had a relapse and we lost him. He was the most wonderful character, gentle but firm with his girls and always encouraging them with his friendly chirrups. He was so pleased to see us and all visitors, giving us a good grooming and talking to. We will miss him dreadfully but are so lucky to have some of his descendants with us. We would like to thank Isobel Hansell for her article in Papyrus which gave us the clue to Dan’s problem and would urge others to read this, also information on the Feline Advisory Bureau website. We would also like to thank other close friends who have supported us through this. You know who you are.
Steve Parkin 12-Feb-2009 19:11:21
missed a space!!!!!!!!
Steve Parkin 12-Feb-2009 19:07:51
My Show Reports
As Ther are problems with Our Cats I have created a simple and free web site with all my 2008 reports as pdfs Cheers Steve
Val Spragg 10-Feb-2009 19:50:08
ACA Show 7th March 2009
For like-minded friends of the feline, the cat calendar event of the year is coming to Knutsford! The Abyssinian Cat Association Annual Championship Show (held under the rules of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy) is being held at The Civic Centre, Toft Road, Knutsford, Cheshire on Saturday, 7th March 2009. You will see one of the finest displays of Abyssinian Cats and kittens in the country, including Usual, Sorrel, Blue, Fawn, Lilac, Chocolate and Silver together with some of the more rare “unusual” colours. The Show is open to members of the public from 12.30 pm. Car parking is available on site but ample local parking exists nearby. Disabled facilities include ramps, wheelchair access and toilets. Why not come along? We will be delighted to see you. Adult £2, Seniors & Children £1
Karel Stockley 09-Feb-2009 18:18:39
Mine was OK
Hi folks, my buyer has sent the cheque so is a good one. Have had a lot of contacts from over seas just lately. They seem to think they can a) have them as tiny kittens b) pop them on a plane as hand luggage!. c) there is little cost to the whole process. Karel
Mike & Karen Shammas 06-Feb-2009 07:47:28
Claims S Africa, but will probably change that for each person. I will forwrd the suspect mail. Mike
Karel Stockley 05-Feb-2009 10:13:36
Where are they from? I have one at the moment- they are a long distance away, so told them a cheque was fine when they asked me to give them my bank details for a bankers draft. Will have to wait & see if it turns up. If not I will post their details here. Karel
Mike & Karen Shammas 05-Feb-2009 07:29:07
There is someone out there pretending to be interested in buying a kitten, and asking for bank details to make payment. I know none of you are dumb enough to fall for this, but in case anyone is having a senior moment - please don't waste your time or risk your money.
Mike & Karen Shammas 26-Dec-2008 09:29:08
Merry Christmas
A belated Merry Christmas to all our viewers
Mike & Karen Shammas 20-Dec-2008 19:55:45
Edit data
I have done this, but I have upped your status to edit all cats, so you can do this from now on - Mike
Karel Stockley 18-Dec-2008 10:43:50
Edit data (please)
Hi, please can 15960 -Highlight Noxeemajackson have SIRE 13514 - Katzarus Hermit & DAM 16663 - Highlight Silver Sophiah added please I am doing test matings & these details are missing. Ta Karel
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 23-Nov-2008 11:41:06
Supreme 2008
Nice seeing you and Karen at the show, we all enjoyed it and Isis (Mikkar Ladylynx) is in love with her special rosette! :)
Mike & Karen Shammas 22-Nov-2008 07:43:23
Supreme Show 2008
Is on at the NEC,Birmingham today - hope to see you there! Good luck all. Mike
Susan MacMillan 23-Sep-2008 03:54:43
Susan and Katlin - Baltimore
I was delighted to find this site. I am in search of an Aby kitten - somehwere on the east coast - US
Karel Stockley 27-Aug-2008 12:58:21
What a start for Abyssinians in Ireland
What a great opportunity to get some publicity for ABYSSINIANS as the "new breed" available in Ireland. Not only is the first litter from & by GRAND CHAMPIONS but you have a litter with 7 kittens & ALL 4 COLOURS to boot. If that is not NEWS in the cat world and worthy of a spread in all the cat papers as well as your own local news etc I don't know what is. If you don't blow your own trumpet then I think that the ACC & ACA ( come on the Representatives of the ACC & ACA in this group - use this natural opportunity for publicity for Abyssinians) should be doing it for you. If you want to have a feature done in the cat papers & they want adverts to go with it I for one would be more than glad to put one in. This is the best breeding start anyone could wish for - FANTASTIC. I have contacted two of the cat papers & they are interested so passed the information on to Stephen. Lets hope that this makes a nice bit of coverage for Abyssinians in general. Karel Kazizkatz Sussex UK
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 20-Aug-2008 09:41:37
4 Weeks Old
Great to hear they're all doing well Mike, even the hand-fed one. Four weeks old is a lovely age, I look forward to seeing photos of them soon! :) Jacquie
Mike & Karen Shammas 20-Aug-2008 07:34:51
4 Weeks old
That litter we had is 4 weeks old today, and are toddling around on the floor as I write this. The hand-fed one never did feed from her mum - Karen will start trying to get them on meat now.
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 11-Aug-2008 14:01:51
The Great Escape
Well thanks for the laughs, here Maurice has refused to let me name any of the cats "Wakey", oh how I'd love to see the neighbours reaction to that one. Calling out "Wakey, Wakey" at midnight would really cause a stir. Jacquie
Barbara Darby 09-Aug-2008 08:38:01
The Great Escape
Our sympathy Mike and congratulations on the stamina! Kitten feeding is head-bogglingly wearying. As to calling out 'Harmony' a kit we sold had its name changed to 'Savvy' - reason - it was named 'Xavier' - fancy calling that out in the garden in the middle of the night - think about it!
Mike & Karen Shammas 08-Aug-2008 21:07:46
The Great Escape
A diversion was set up (by me having to hand rear a kitten round the clock), causing me to lower my guard. Then, taking advantage of my bumbling stupor, they tricked me into letting them out into the pen for an 'evening constitutional', knowing that I had left the outer pen door wide open. The pesky devils.

I put every light on in the house, in the garage, the cattery lights. I opened up the doors and called them for an hour and a quarter. Imagime that, someone shouting 'Harmony' at midnight out in the street.


Julia Myatt 08-Aug-2008 16:20:06
Cat Escapes
My two girls have escaped twice now. Not by an open door, not by scaling the fence and climbing the enclosure netting. They managed to tunnell under the fence!!!Cheeky madams. I have to regularly patrol the garden now looking for weak spots or else they will be off again. My neighbours call my house Colditz Castle!!
Maria Cummins 08-Aug-2008 14:43:14
cat escape
Have they found out how to pick the locks then Mike? We won't tell her if you don't....or unless she logs on to Abyworld :)
Mike & Karen Shammas 08-Aug-2008 11:14:01
Cat Escape
I admit it - I had a major incident last night. All four of the girls in the house got out last night. I discovered this at 11:15pm. Last one back at 12:20 am. Grrrrr!

Trust me to leave a pen door open while Karen was away. Nobody tell her, OK? AT least until I get the chance to explain myself. Thank God they'd stopped calling.

Ruefully, Mike

Marty Young 08-Aug-2008 06:42:50
TICA show next weekend
Don't know if anyone is going to the Spoticat (TICA) show in Bracknell, Berkshire next weekend or not, but I thought I'd let you know that a very good friend of mine, Rene Knapp, is judging a Specialty ring at that show. Rene is an Abyssinian breeder from Connecticut and would love to see some of you at the show. If you are going, drop by her ring and introduce yourself. She is very excited about being in England to judge a cat show. In June, I drove over 800 miles to go to her house to have two of my girls bred by her male. I am now waiting on kittens - Rosi is due any second and Toots is due Sunday or Monday.
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 07-Aug-2008 12:12:31
Hi Marty, it's nice to see new names here! :) Jacquie
Marty Young 06-Aug-2008 02:37:12
Since I've already posted, I thought I should introduce myself. My name is Marty Young and I live in central Oklahoma in the US. My cattery is CatTrekker and I raise both Abys and Oriental Shorthairs. I'm affiliated with both TICA and CFA, but show principally in TICA. I am looking forward to corresponding with other Aby breeders/owners
Marty Young 06-Aug-2008 02:34:37
Rehoming cats - more info
Try contacting Norm Auspitz at National Abyssinian Rescue. His e-mail address is Their website is located at
Mike & Karen Shammas 05-Aug-2008 18:10:45
Rehoming cats - addition
And of course the CFA, TICA and other US-based cat organisations may also have help available - try the Links page.
Mike & Karen Shammas 05-Aug-2008 18:09:14
Rehoming cats
Then you should contact the ACCA, in America. There is a link to them on the home page of this site - I imagine a Regional Coordinator would be the best starting point Mandy. Either North-East or East. The ACA or ACC will not be able to help you, but the ACCA might.

Cheers, Mike

Mandy DeLucia 05-Aug-2008 17:37:59
Rehoming cats, more info
Thank you for your responses, we are really devestated to have to find new homes for them. We got them when we were living in the UK, but now we are in New York City, so its not really possible to go through their breeder. We are very flexible about travel to find them the right home. I will check out the sites for the ACA and the ACC, thanks for that tip!
Val Spragg 05-Aug-2008 12:51:09
Re-home Aby's
Mandy, sorry to hear you need to re-home your cats. Perhaps you should first and formost contact the breeder of them to see if they can help. Alternatively if for any reason that is not possible you should contact the ACC and ACA welfare co-ordinators for help, details on the respective club websites. They are very experienced and should be able to help you place them in suitable homes.
Karel Stockley 04-Aug-2008 22:30:12
Home for cats
Where are you in the country? It really would help to know where you are as I know several people that would be very interested, but they are local to me. Karel
Mandy DeLucia 04-Aug-2008 18:32:09
Looking for a home for 2 adult cats
Does anyone know how we can find a great home for our two beautiful adult neutered male British Abys? The are very sweet and loving, 7 years old in good health and our toddler is very allergic to them. We are heartbroken to have to let them go, but want the very best home for them. Any advice as to how to find the right family? Thanks! Mandy
Barbara Darby 02-Aug-2008 09:49:26
Help for a friend
Hi Gene & Katherine, Very respected Aby breeders too! You (or your friend) could try Maria Cummins (Legend) or Debbie Dixon (Crystalpaws). Both live in Essex and I believe have kittens now. Both have links from thsi site. Barbara
Gene & Katherine Rankin 01-Aug-2008 20:15:53
Help for a friend
We're long-time Aby breeders in the US (since 1984), have just signed on. A friend who lives in Essex recently visited us, "threatened" to smuggle our kittens home. His moggie just died, and he's going to want an Aby, ruddy or red. Anyone nearish Wethersfield?
Valerie Davidson 28-Jul-2008 13:50:13
Aby breed Seminar
Forgot to say Vikki Shields is giving the Abyssinian Presentation, all are welcome and we will have lunch too
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 24-Jul-2008 17:03:48
Well done Mynx
Congrats on the birth of Mynx's kittens! Jacquie
Karel Stockley 24-Jul-2008 10:45:28
Data Information
Hi Mike, Sorry asking if you can add more information to the individual cats data again. Would there be an advantage in having the record of PK Def & PRA on cats as I for instance am planning to get all mine tested, but would not need to if I could look up records and see that Sire Dam were negative for these things. Also if you edit details then "Pet name" empties of content.I was putting i there that they had been sold as pets for future reference. Karel
Valerie Davidson 18-Jul-2008 14:06:00
Aby Breed Seminar
TickedTICA Introduces the first U.K. CEU fest (continuous education units)more info from website
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 02-Jul-2008 15:08:51
Kitten List
That's straightforward then, thanks Mike! :) Jacquie
Mike & Karen Shammas 01-Jul-2008 21:53:59
Kitten List
de-listing will simply 'unpublish' the ad, leaving it free to be published again
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 01-Jul-2008 18:43:12
Kitten List Info
What about a tick box to renew an add for another week if a kitten or kittens are available for longer than you'd expect? This would save re-listing them if you have this time out feature and therefore keep things running smoothly for all I hope? Jacquie
Barbara Darby 01-Jul-2008 14:29:14
Missing Somali - Cmbridge
Just to let you all know this cat has turned up safe and well - if a lot thinner - after a month. His owners are understandably over the moon. Barbara
Mike & Karen Shammas 01-Jul-2008 07:52:09
Kitten list information
Eminently sensible suggestions - when I get back to working on Abyworld, they will be done! - Mike
Karel Stockley 29-Jun-2008 21:30:50
Kitten list information
Mike would it be possible to build in an automatic "READY AFTER" attached to the date of birth so that people that are not breeders would know when the kittens will be available (we know about the 13 weeks but non-breeders might not) Also could the advert have a time out - the top one has now been there for months! Just a thought. Karel
Mike & Karen Shammas 28-Jun-2008 10:23:09
Thanks all - many of my cats are getting old and dying on me these days, though Arabella was not so. My cats give me such pleasure, and are such companions during their lifetime. It hurts when they are gone, but that is outweighed by their memories. Mike
Stephen Long 26-Jun-2008 13:05:51
re Arabella
So sorry to hear this very sad news. Sincere condolences Stephen
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 26-Jun-2008 13:00:25
GC Mikkar Arabella
Thinking of you at this time, it's never easy to loose someone you've loved and it's no different when loosing a beloved cat... Jacquie
Barbara Darby 22-Jun-2008 07:52:43
GC Mikkar Arabella
Mike and Karen Our sincere condolences. We know how you must miss her. Sleep well, Bella. Barbara and Ron
Mike & Karen Shammas 21-Jun-2008 18:14:11
GC Mikkar Arabella
GC Mikkar Arabella, aged 11, was put to sleep on Monday after a long battle against cancer. She was nearly always happy, despite her problems. We miss her greatly.
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 20-Jun-2008 11:57:11
ACC Show
Oh yes loves the gifts and thanks for giving my son a gift too for his help in giving out the cards and rosettes it really made his day, especially when he was given an Officials ribbon! It has pride of place in his room at present and he's talking of starting Stewarding when he's old enough! :) Jacquie
Barbara Darby 18-Jun-2008 17:49:52
ACC show
Open class winners are now up on the website. Pics & SM report to follow. Thanks to all for your support. Hope you liked your silver anniversary gifts. Weather not too hot, not too cold and NOT raining! Barbara
Mike & Karen Shammas 13-Jun-2008 17:12:43
ACC Show - Again!
Don't forget, it's the ACC Show tomorrow, in gorgeous Stratford-on-Avon. It's one show where you can absolutely guarantee a high turnout of Abys! Not sure about the weather this year, but it's nearly always good. See you there! Mike
Barbara Darby 13-Jun-2008 14:22:35
ACC show
How could you draw attention to it? VBG
Maria Cummins 13-Jun-2008 14:14:11
ACC Show
Spot the deliberate mistake Mike?
Mike & Karen Shammas 11-Jun-2008 07:46:58
ACC Show
Don't forget, it's the ACA Show on Saturday, in gorgeous Stratford-on-Avon.

It's one show where you can absolutely guarantee a high turnout of Abys! Not sure about the weather this year, but it's nearly always good.

See you there! Mike

Barbara Darby 07-Jun-2008 09:59:20
Cambridge - found Somali
The Aby Cat Club and the Somali Cat Club have posted notices about a missing Somali. Link (to the ACC) If anyone sees this cat could you please contact the owners as shown on the details. Barbara
Barbara Darby 05-Jun-2008 07:39:31
Robin Everitt
For those of you who don't know, Robin died on 31st May. There is a short obit on the ACC website and more to follow in Papyrus. He will be very much missed. Barbara
Mike & Karen Shammas 23-May-2008 07:59:04
Elizabeth Shenton
Bad Luck Elizabeth - back to the real world again.
Barbara Darby 21-May-2008 23:18:27
Elizabeth Shenton
She was interviewed on TV tonight Barbara
Mike & Karen Shammas 20-May-2008 07:59:56
Elizabeth Shenton
May I wish Elizabeth the very best of luck in the Crewe and Nantwich by-election on Thursday - it's about time we had an Aby-breeder MP!


Mike & Karen Shammas 17-May-2008 09:13:45
Messages, etc.
Sorry not to have replied for a while, I have been really busy, mostly working on the ACA website, getting it up to speed.

You get logged out after a certain period of inactivity - that period is 20 minutes by default, but is not under my control. If the site itself is recycled (stopped/started), your session is also lost. Again, I have no control over that. In the next version of Abyworld I am thinking of instituting permanent login, where you can stay logged in permanently.


Karel Stockley 09-May-2008 15:15:45
Mike why does the system say that you are not logged on so it can't post a message, when you have to be logged on to be able to type the message in the first place? Is it a "time out" thing? It does seem to happen when its a long message. Karel
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 06-May-2008 20:51:20
The same happened to a cat I bred in Canada many years ago, he was never the same after the break-in and freaked out when ever someone entered the house with running shoes on. Jacquie
Lorraine Pontello 04-May-2008 19:38:41
I know exactly what you mean Barbara. One of my worst fears is someone breaking in and letting the cats loose. Can you imagine if you had a litter of kittens at the time! When I was very young we had our house broken into and though thankfully the cats didn't escape we are cetain that our Siamese had a run in with the burglars. He was a lovely chocolate point boy but after the event he developed a terrible dislike for any strange men who came into our house, even to the point of attacking them if given a chance. Lorraine.
Karel Stockley 04-May-2008 17:05:09
What interests me is why no-one has noticed that I can format my messages a bit - Mike - HOW???
Barbara Darby 03-May-2008 20:53:45
There is another side to the burglar issue - some people who had a cat from us had their house broken into, the burglars left the french windows open as they escaped, so did the cats, which were then killed on the road. The owners were far more distressed about the cats than the burglary! So burglars can be a problem in other ways. Barbara
Lorraine Pontello 03-May-2008 19:27:38
Well, I agree that your normal burglar wouldn't go to the bother of breaking and entering to steal a cat when TV's are so much easier to lift and walk away with. Can you imagine an Aby taking kindly to a stanger breaking in? However it would be a good deal easier to break into a cat run if you are after a rare pedigree. Thankfully I have never heard of it happening to Abys before either, but as our breed gets more popular so will the demand. Lorraine
Barbara Darby 03-May-2008 11:30:23
Please forgive spelling - fingers ahead of brain again... or perhaps the other way round! Barbara
Barbara Darby 03-May-2008 09:48:18
I agree totally with Maria - people have ben known to cut wire and remove cats from houses and runs - again, havn't heard of it with Abys but certainly with other breeds. Barbara
Maria Cummins 03-May-2008 08:28:28
Got to say it Karel I have heard of it on more than one occasion though not with abyssinians but as we said on unusual abys. People are able to find our full addresses from looking at show catalogues anyway.
Karel Stockley 02-May-2008 23:50:35
Addresses etc
Has anybody ever heard of any breeder of any bred of cat EVER HAVING A CAT STOLEN FROM A CATTERY? Yes pet cats & dogs are stolen from gardens, cars & streets etc. But people do not get their houses broken into for their pets. You are more likely to have your cats talked about & maybe stolen by someone asking questions down the pub than on a web site. Plus Abyssinians are too unusual they would go for a breed that they could pass off on the mass market. OH & MIKE what do you mean about formating your messages Karel
Mike & Karen Shammas 02-May-2008 22:10:19
Addresses etc.
Well, its one thing or the other. After all, most people don't put their address in, it comes in from a pedigree, show catalog or similar. It may be right, or may be wrong, but unless you are an admin user (only me) or the claimed 'owner' of the record, it is obfuscated. The idea of showing some of it is for people to identify that they have the right Jones, or Smith, or whatever. Interestingly, Abyworld is my 'live' database - I generate pedigrees off it for new owners, so I need some of the data myself. The quality pedigree production is a feature that I intend (possibly) to make a purchasable program in the future.
ALL cats, breed/show or pet are wanted on Abyworld - pet cats pedigrees often reveal hitherto unkown details on ancestors, even though the cat never produces offspring. And some nice pet pictures are always welcome.
What interests me is why no-one has noticed that I can format my messages a bit - Mike
Barbara Darby 02-May-2008 22:09:23
Cat database
*Blush* It must have changed a bit from the early days and I hadn't realised... Sorry Barbara
Lorraine Pontello 02-May-2008 21:56:12
Cat Database
Erm, I can still see the partly obscured addresses even when I'm not logged on to Abyworld as a user. All you need to do is search for a prefix or persons name and they appear right away. Lorraine.
Barbara Darby 02-May-2008 21:29:22
Cat Database
Of course, the names and addresses are ONLY semi-visible to 'official' logged on-users - (stats show 587) - not to all and sundry. Barbara
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 02-May-2008 10:23:50
Cat Data Base
I agree with Karel here and think that having either an optional address or a fully hidden one would be seen as an improvement to many people and might well encourage more use of the site by those wishing to keep their addresses fully private. Even though the current system conceals them, it wouldn't be all that hard to work out what many of them were if you really wanted to... Jacquie
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 02-May-2008 10:19:48
Stork's arrival
Congratulations Mike, Gail and most of all Elbereth CocoChanel and Dan! :) I'm thrilled for you all, especially as we currently have one of Dan's litters ourselves now nearly 8 weeks old and very busy! Regards, Jacquie
Mike & Gail Davis 01-May-2008 16:36:21
Stork's arrived!
Last night our queen, Elbereth CocoChanel, gave birth to 4 beautiful usual kittens. Dad is Gr Ch Silversmoke Dan Dare (thanks Barbara & Ron!). There are 3 girls and a boy. Happy days! Mike & Gail
Karel Stockley 01-May-2008 11:01:03
This would be a one off so that a true "snap shot" could be confirmed of the colour balance that was bred in a year. I know that it would take time to compile but it must help to know. I think that I will put forward my request and just hope that they look kindly on it. Karel
Karel Stockley 01-May-2008 10:52:26
Cat data base
It has been asked that Maybe Mike you could make it that the address detail was optional by the breeder / owner. Also owner could have PET as an option as this would indicate that it had been neutered. If this would mean more overall information going into the data base, this would help all around. Karel
Mike & Karen Shammas 01-May-2008 07:53:57
Well, good luck with it. They have a small staff, and I imagine no more than one person knows how to extract that kind of info from their system. But going to council - Jeez? ACA and ACC might be able to add their voices, but they meet 4 times a year, so it would add extra delay. I'd still go down that road if I were you, unless you want it in a hurry.
Karel Stockley 29-Apr-2008 16:11:22
What colours are being bred?
I have asked at GCCF if they can give colour numbers for the 325 Abyssinians registered in 2007. I have been told that this is possible but will have to go to council. Would this have more clout of backed by ACA & ACC? With so many of the long established lines going & a spate of unexpected deaths in both queens & studs, do we not need to know what is being produced. Its a shame that the GCCF feel that numbers of litters & litter sizes would be too much to do, but maybe if we could energise people with information about colours then we could get them to give the information in about other things later. What do the people that have conections too ACA & ACC think about backing this or do I just apply for this myself? Karel
Karel Stockley 29-Apr-2008 15:33:21
Kitten adverts
It's so nice to see so many litters being advertised on this site. Could the people putting them on just spend that little bit of time to put the stud & queen on so that people can see the pedigrees. It takes very little effort but makes the advert look better. Gives other breeders information if they are looking for future matings / queens etc. and give Mike the encouragement to give us other tools to work with in the future. I find I am using the "TEST MATINGS" & "CALCULATOR" all the time. When we get the stud / queens listing that will be even better. Karel
Mike & Karen Shammas 27-Apr-2008 21:26:16
Thanks for the warning, Stephen.

On another note, the delay in further Abyworld changes is that I'm working on a full rewrite of the ACA website (Phase 1, anyway). That takes priority at the moment. More infor soonn

Cheers, Mike
Stephen Long 27-Apr-2008 20:01:20
Warning from Ireland
The GCCFI (Ireland's equivalent to the GCCF) held our Supreme show today and "Charles" won his second CC and did the breed proud with his charming personality!!! We had a number of enquiries for kittens from some very nice people to whom I suggested they might consider contacting breeders in the UK as it would be a while before I would have kittens available. However, there was one particular couple looking for (preferably) a blue Aby that I feel it's my duty to inform you about. They came to us over a year ago for a Burmese kitten and we decided against it for a number of reasons. They seemed to go through quite a variety of cats in a very short period, whatever breed was fashionable at the time, which were allowed roam outside freely. They talked about cats as if they were a disposable commodity and their money gave them the right to have anything they wanted. Even after being refused a kitten from us before they still had the gaul to approach us today saying if we had Aby kittens they would "have" one!!! if anyone is concerned about enquiries from Ireland please feel free to contact me
Barbara Darby 23-Apr-2008 07:41:09
BAC Seminar
Thanks Mike, more details on ACC website (index page & follow the link) Barbara
Mike & Karen Shammas 22-Apr-2008 21:46:12
BAC Seminar
There is a joint foreign BAC seminar at Mappleborough Green (nr Birmingham) on Sunday May 4th. Ruth Hopkins is coordinating. Mike
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 19-Apr-2008 12:55:09
Found Aby
Will add a note about this to my website later as that's reasonably local to us here. I hope his family find him! Jacquie
Barbara Darby 18-Apr-2008 14:09:00
Found Abyssinian
18th April, 2008. FOUND in High Wycombe area Neutered male Aby, around 5-6 years old. If you think he may be yours, or you know who may have lost him, please ring either Ron & Barbara Darby on 01959 522869 or Karen at Crossroads vets, 01494 459095
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 17-Apr-2008 10:53:37
Sorry to hear that you've had this confirmed now Maria... I'd had my fingers crossed that she really was pregnant this time! Oh well at least she should take next time *fingers crossed* Jacquie
Mike & Karen Shammas 16-Apr-2008 21:47:55
Tough luck if true, but what do vets know anyway?
Maria Cummins 16-Apr-2008 13:21:51
I opened my mouth too soon, despite turning into a completely daft creature, sleeping for England and apparent morning sickness Dizzy isn't pregnant according to the time I will keep quiet until she looks like she's swallowed a balloon
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 15-Apr-2008 16:09:12
ACA Results
Thanks for that link Lorraine! Jacquie
Barbara Darby 14-Apr-2008 17:42:44
ACA results
Forgot to say, many congrats to David and Louise on Azamour's new title. Very well done! Barbara
Barbara Darby 14-Apr-2008 14:06:35
ACA results
Many thanks Lorraine, I'll have a browse later. Barbara
Lorraine Pontello 14-Apr-2008 08:44:43
ACA Results
There were quite a few notable winners on Saturday, not least Louise and David Miskelly's Lovely IGrPr Glendavan Azamour who won his qualifying Imperial on the day. I'm feeling extra proud because he is sired by my boy One Shot. Barbara if you want to see the list of Open classes and results you can check out the show report on the RACCS website: Or click through from the Abyworld links page. Lorraine x
Barbara Darby 14-Apr-2008 08:13:56
Thanks for that Lorraine, and many, many congrats to ALL the winners and entrants. Sorry about the best assessment but hope they all did well. Barbara and Ron
Lorraine Pontello 13-Apr-2008 23:40:22
Overall BIS - GRCH Merindalee Spirit of Oz. Best Adult - GRCH Merindalee Spirit of Oz. Best Kitten - Mikkar Ashanti Warrior. Best Neuter - GrPr Glendavan Azamour. There was sadly no best of assessment exhibit awarded.
Barbara Darby 13-Apr-2008 16:31:14
ACA show
As we weren't able to go, could someone please let us know BIS results? Did the AGM go well? Barbara and Ron
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 13-Apr-2008 15:53:20
ACA Show
Well done to all those we saw winning their yesterday, especially your lovely little stud in the making Mikkar Ashanti Warrior! :) It was lovely to see so many Abys in once place and looking so good as well as getting to meet so many of their breeders! Jacquie
Barbara Darby 07-Apr-2008 20:18:01
ACC show
Just to let you all know the schedule and entry form are now up on the website. It's a silver show so silvers particularly welcomed. See you there! Barbara
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 07-Apr-2008 17:00:53
Nice seeing you yesterday Mike, Barbara & Ron and great to meet you too Maria! It's nice to be able to put more names to faces now. :) Oh and looking forward to the Stud & Queen listing Mike! Love the mini picture thingy, it's great! :) Jacquie
Mike & Karen Shammas 05-Apr-2008 09:56:19
Next Abyworld Feature ...
Will be the Stud (and Queen) listing. I have done the database extensions - now to put the front end pages in ...
Mike & Karen Shammas 04-Apr-2008 21:08:57
Bronzed and fit? Ha ha! Brassy and fat more like!
Barbara Darby 04-Apr-2008 16:22:18
Don't forget (for those still pondering), there's an incredible, delicious free lunch (for members) although if it snows it might be slightly colder lunch than usual! Barbara P.S. Glad you're back Mike - bronzed & fit?
Maria Cummins 04-Apr-2008 14:32:21
You will Mike, assuming it doesn't snow, I'm bringing flapjacks for those brave enough :)
Mike & Karen Shammas 04-Apr-2008 08:04:36
Don't forget it's the ACC's AGM on Sunday at the Oliver Bird Hall - see some of you there?
Mike & Karen Shammas 04-Apr-2008 08:03:19
Bug Fixed
It is now possible to add large .jpg images of cats (up to about 4MB) - they get scaled back to 800 pixels in largest dimension without distortion. Cheers, Mike
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 03-Apr-2008 11:27:37
Vince and Test Matings
Oh Mike, we're so sorry to hear about Vince passing. Maurice will never get over just how sweet and loving he was to him when we were with you collecting Isis... As for the test mating thingy, I've had a wonderful time playing with it between website updating and kitten watching here! Isis is just the best mum and the kittens are looking fantastic! :) Jacquie
Mike & Karen Shammas 02-Apr-2008 23:26:11
Abyworld Update
OK so I added some new features, but added a (minor) bug as well. The new features are previews of uploaded cat pictures on the page with the cat details on it.

The bug is that the other new feature, the scaling down of oversized images (allowing you to submit larger .jpg images) is distorting them slightly. I'm working on it!

Cheers, Mike
Karel Stockley 29-Mar-2008 23:30:28
Dippy as usual
Sorry I was putting things in the wrong order again. My brain was thinking of being able to do the searches and adding the silver to the other headings. Yes 'you are silver so you can produce silver'not 'carry it'. It's only because I have been playing with the Aby section on EROS.Just have too much fun chasing rainbows!!! Karel
Mike & Karen Shammas 28-Mar-2008 22:26:23
You can't carry silver, hence no option for it! Advanced searches don't yet exist - I'll think about that.
Karel Stockley 28-Mar-2008 20:25:46
data base
Mike on the data base of cats we tick sorrel/dilute/chocolate/long hair - is there any milage in silver? could this section be connected to a search for cats that carry or are any of the above? Just my wandering brain again. Karel
Mike & Karen Shammas 28-Mar-2008 18:36:53
Abyworld changes
I took my old laptop with me on holiday - I´m working on some new features out here at the moment. Includes a facility for uploading larger photos, which will automatically be sized down for you, and picture previews for cats with photos.
Poor old Vince, turns out his kidneys did for him in the end. I imagine the heart condition led to his kidneys packing up, but I´m no vet. Thans for the sympathy.
Cheers, Mike
Maria Cummins 28-Mar-2008 14:50:09
Sorry to hear about Vince as well thinking of you both Maria
Barbara Darby 27-Mar-2008 21:17:39
So sorry to hear this Mike, at least he had the best in his very short life. We suffer with you and Karen, please let her know we're thinking of her too. Barbara and Ron
Mike & Karen Shammas 27-Mar-2008 21:09:16
Mikkar Vincent
As feared, I heard today that Vince had to be put to sleep by Karen in my absence. He had such a terrible heart murmur that we kept him (the vet reckoned not likely to make 6 months). Well he made it to nearly 3 years, so good for him. He will be missed.
Maria Cummins 27-Mar-2008 14:57:50
According to the calculator Dizzy should be pinking up today, though its a bit like being at a show and depends on the light but I'm going out on a limb and saying she's pregnant as I'm fairly certain there's more colour there than there was.
Barbara Darby 27-Mar-2008 13:54:58
TM & Holidays
BTW, what are holidays? Barbara
Mike & Karen Shammas 27-Mar-2008 10:15:33
Test Matings
The facility is a bit slow because of the way I implemented it - I am planning to do it much faster before I apply it to the main cat screens.

As to you, Barbara, all I can say is that if a holiday is looking after 13 cats ...

Maria Cummins 26-Mar-2008 08:33:24
Test matings
Loving the test matings Mike, thats a really handy feature!
Barbara Darby 25-Mar-2008 15:32:50
Sounds as if she's possibly going to have a holiday without you being at home....! Or am I just guessing? Barbara
Mike & Karen Shammas 25-Mar-2008 12:37:15
If she was with me, who would be looking after the cats?
Barbara Darby 24-Mar-2008 10:55:13
Test Mating
Wonderful Mike, had a great time with it! Barbara and Ron
Karel Stockley 23-Mar-2008 20:48:34
Test Mating
I have had a great day playng with the test matings. It has saved me hours of printing off pedigrees and then trying to match them up as they are always different sizes etc. Also to have the non active / out of date web sites removed will save time as well. You are so great giving so much time for others. I thank you and try to get more people to both use your site & promote it to others.Thanks again Karel. PS now I have worked out cloning etc on the Edit Data life is looking rosy.
Barbara Darby 23-Mar-2008 19:53:21
Have a great holiday Mike. Hope Karen's going too! Barbara and Ron
Mike & Karen Shammas 23-Mar-2008 12:03:32
All of the links on the Links page have been validated and deleted or repaired if wrong!
Mike & Karen Shammas 22-Mar-2008 17:57:36
Site Update
I have just added the long awaited 'Test Matings' feature complete with Inbreeding calculator. Hooray!
The inbreeding calculator will make its way onto cat detail pages in a few weeks time. Before that, I plan to put some explanation behind the calculation - I am about to go away on a holiday, though, so it might be a little while.
As to links, there are quite a few redundant links in there - it will take a while to sort them all out.
Cheers, Mike<
Lorraine Pontello 22-Mar-2008 12:09:33
Links Update
Hi, just a wee mention about the current links section. Mike, would it be possible for you to remove the 'Annera' link from there? The link has been 'broken' for months on end anyway, but now that Caroline is no longer with us it seems a bit inappropriate to still have her prefix on the list.
Mike & Karen Shammas 19-Mar-2008 08:03:02
Double record
I have deleted record 8189 (K. Wheeler's Daughter) - thanks for putting in your cats
Karel Stockley 18-Mar-2008 23:00:41
Double record
Mike sorry putting on my old records from the 80's could not find Dealers daughter so created new record then found there was WHEELERS daughter 8188 this record needs removing as wrong name & now double up or remove the newer on & update the older one! Karel
Mike & Karen Shammas 18-Mar-2008 22:43:08
That's right. I have upped you to Prefix Rights - try now
Karel Stockley 18-Mar-2008 21:38:25
Hi Mike, why can I not make changes to 8188 & 8189. I want to correct & add data. Is it because I have not created it? Karel
Mike & Karen Shammas 17-Mar-2008 21:50:00
Little Mynx
Mynx says Thank You very much, and she has always considered herself to be a cut above the rest!
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 17-Mar-2008 12:47:46
Little Mynx
Well done to Little Mynx on getting 3rd CC and having a fantastic day at the show! Jacquie
Barbara Darby 16-Mar-2008 19:17:58
Looks much better now. Love the calendars too. Congrats on Little Mynx too btw. Barbara and Ron
Mike & Karen Shammas 16-Mar-2008 18:36:48
Dear all,
The dates in German bug is now sorted (everywhere, I hope), and the Gestation Calculator is now beefed up. It looks best in IE, FireFox browser is still a bit poor.
Cheers, Mike
Maria Cummins 14-Mar-2008 15:49:24
Will keep you posted!! And Abyworld of course :)
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 13-Mar-2008 16:26:44
Oh I so hope things go well for Dizzy too! Jacquie
Maria Cummins 13-Mar-2008 16:08:20
Thanks Barbara, she is still with Storm till the weekend and apparently much more relaxed than last time so fingers crossed. :)
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 13-Mar-2008 15:46:59
Nice new ideas
Like the calculator very much even if it's still in German it works! :) I also love the idea of having a Stud and Queen listing here, it'd be a big help to those of us (like myself) who don't have a resident stud and/or who're looking for a particular bloodline, colour etc. It's all well and good to look online for studs in the UK, but you think you've found a possible candidate for a future mating only to find he's at closed stud! If your list could have a clear indication of if any given stud is closed or open, or even limited open it would help narrow down searches no end! Plus listing colour and colours carried - that'd be wonderful! :) Oh and I'd love to see that inbreeding factor and test-mating facility restored too, it sounds most useful and interesting! Jacquie PS: Ladylynx and kittens doing fantastically well our Aby boy is in love with them all totally!
Barbara Darby 12-Mar-2008 21:41:45
Gestation calendar
Well done Mike, looks good. It's not the only bit that's in German, though, is it? Baarbara
Barbara Darby 12-Mar-2008 21:40:05
Maria, Hope all goes well for Dizzy, Barbara
Karel Stockley 12-Mar-2008 18:12:18
Gestation Calculator
on the calculator is really good. I have it on my top bar so I can just go straight there. You could link from this site? yes Karel
Mike & Karen Shammas 11-Mar-2008 23:48:07
Gestation Calculator
Well I've had an initial go at it this evening - Yes I know the calendars are in German - I'm looking into it! Use the 'Calculator' link.
Karel Stockley 11-Mar-2008 21:23:56
Apologies & Queen wanted
Sorry I am still learning how to use things on the site. I will put ALL by babies on now using the CLONE BUTTON, OK. Also does anybody know of a kitten that is available as a breeding queen? or want to thin out, changed their minds about keeping a kitten etc. I am looking for one more girl to make Narnia's hareem complete. Karel
Barbara Darby 11-Mar-2008 17:23:47
Missing things
How about me missing the 'h' in chart? Mea culpa. Barbara
Barbara Darby 11-Mar-2008 17:22:41
Missing things
I for one would certainly like to see the inbreed factor (as in Mike's beta version) restored. It was so useful to be able to try a 'test-mating' and to look at the pedigrees of the cats involved together, even to go one further and 'test-mate' unborn progeny as well as looking at the individual test-mating result. The same goes for the gestation cart on that version (please). We haven't put up any photos as it is so often difficult to 'capture' the whole cat and different people see different things - hence the difference in judges' reports. How often have you looked at two reports and they seemed to be about two totally different cats? Pictures can so often give the same result. Even on websites the same cat can look very different from one picture to another (don't we know it!). Barbara
Mike & Karen Shammas 10-Mar-2008 07:32:32
Missing things
Well I agree that a gestation calculator would be handy, and easy to do. The more important missing component is the inbreeding calculator, which used to exist in the program that preceded the Abyworld site.
Putting litters in is pretty easy with the Clone function, Karel, and what I would say is that Abyworld is for all pedigree Abys - some of the most interesting information comes from long lost pedigrees that surface when someone enquires about replacing a pet that they had 30 years ago.
Karel Stockley 09-Mar-2008 22:43:19
Gestation Calculator For Cats
Hi Mike, found this on dont know if you can "nick it" & improve it by adding a calculator for the 13 weeks sale date. This would be great so that we can avoid holidays show dates etc. Also I have to admit that I would be more likely to put litters of kittens into the system if you put them on as a litter rather than ind. cats as they mainly go as pets.
Mike & Karen Shammas 09-Mar-2008 21:57:35
Congratulations to Ladylynx
Since I bred Ladylynx and have her sister, Little Mynx, here at home, I'm doubly pleased for Jacqueline. Well done!
Mike & Karen Shammas 09-Mar-2008 17:33:02
Abyworld changes
Karel raises some interesting points.
I have already put in a couple of minor maintenance patches today, the main one being the 'Save' bug for placing kitten ads using Internet Explorer.
However, I have also started to prepare for the Mk.3 version of Abyworld. The menu on the left is now link driven so that mobile users can do much more than before.
Karel's call has prompted me to start thinking about a Stud List (long promised), but why not a Queen List, and a 'Register of Births' as well? The R of B could be used by breeders to let other breeders know what is going on, without the kittens being for sale.
Please put up ideas for me, before I start the big rewrite for real!
Cheers, Mike
Jacqueline Barnes-Hookey 09-Mar-2008 16:24:00
A first for Lovelynx
Mikkar Ladylynx gave birth to 3 male and one female kitten in the very early hours of March 9th 2008 - the first litter for Lovelynx Abyssinians! Thanks to Mike and Karen for letting us have this beautiful girl and to Ron & Barbara at Silversmoke for Dan's services. As usual he's done you proud! :) Jacquie
Karel Stockley 07-Mar-2008 17:24:23
Kitten Avalibility
Hi everybody, I posted this on the unusual aby site hope that you agree: Can I make the following points: If we could encourage everybody (GCCF, TICA, FIFA etc)to post their litter of kittens onto ABYWORLD KITTENS FOR SALE then as a group of breeders (55ish) we would be able to see the litters- Area born in, sex, colour, birth date, pedigree, homing date, availability & all at a glance. The breeders are in charge of the details. They can change the details at a drop of a hat. YES have your kittens on your web site. YES have your kittens on ACA & ACC web sites. But the way that Mike has his set up they are a straight list so you can run down it and see what is still available if you are sending on an inquiry. We would all get a better idea of what kittens are being born, where, colours, sexes, the parentage etc. It seems a shame that this (ABYWORLD) does not get used more as it does not take that long to set up, and then you are only creating new adverts from existing data base pedigrees. Using the ABYWORLD site as any existing tool I think that the Aby breeders in this country could help each other, be more in touch with what is being bred etc. Maybe we could get Mike to build a breeders profile data base that you just fill in with your girls/boys & litters again so that we could all learn more about who is breeding & what. If we want to help the secret world of the Aby to have a higher profile in the cat world & beyond then we need to know what is going on in our own world first. Karel
Julia Myatt 25-Feb-2008 16:58:39
Debbie Ratcliffe
So very sad to hear about Debbie. She was a lovely lady who bore her health problems with humour. I had 3 Aby's from her over the years and thanks to her no nonsence approach they all turned out super friendly and wonderful companions. My deepest sympathy to all Debbie's family and friends. Julia
Susan Startin 17-Feb-2008 20:53:30
Debbie Ratcliffe (Djenoun)
Those of you who knew Debbie Ratcliffe of Djenoun Abyssinians will be sorry to hear that she passed away on 16 February after a short illness. Her cats are presently boarded with Lydia Barrett while new homes are organized for them. Su
Barbara Darby 14-Feb-2008 09:26:22
GC Nile Golden Eye
Thanks for that Mike & Karen. When we get any info back we'll post it here. Barbara and Ron
Barbara Darby 14-Feb-2008 09:25:28
Anne Rose
In our own private grief we have completely forgotten to mention the passing on Friday of Anne Rose of the Seawind Abys. She and her late husband bred some stunning Abys. Following his death she and her friend Ann Watson continued breeding until Ann's death. We felt Anne's death should not go unremarked. Barbara and Ron
Mike & Karen Shammas 14-Feb-2008 07:44:03
GC Nile Golden Eye
Dear Ron & Barbara - Karen and I send you our deepest sympathy. It is terrible for a youngster to go; a little easier to accept when they have lived to a ripe old age. Maybe you kept something from him, for the future? Condolences, Mike
Barbara Darby 13-Feb-2008 16:09:41
GC Nile Golden Eye
On Monday afternoon we lost our beatiful GC Nile Golden Eye. He was only two and a half. We don't know yet what was his cause of death, nothing obvious at PM but samples have been sent away. He was always a gentleman to his girls and, when he finally stopped his fur pulling, enjoyed his shows (after his first GCCF one!). He was the soppiest, head butting, roly poly boy who dribbled like mad when made a fuss of. We miss him like mad and the gap is appalling. Barbara and Ron